So the one good thing that’s come from that pedicure text with my dad is that I think, for me, it was the “last straw.” I’m done asking him to do stuff with me. It’s kind of like what happened with my sister’s. I’m done trying to have a relationship with him. If he wants to have one with me, he can call me. And when he does, I’m more than happy to go with him, if I can. If he doesn’t call, no skin off my nose.
I remember asking my marriage counselor when I’d stop caring
so much about what my dad thought… apparently it’s now. I’m tired of trying to spend time with him
when he doesn’t want to. I’m tired of
liking what he likes so he will be happy.
I want to like what I like and screw him. He doesn’t like such and such? Well, too bad, cause I love it. He doesn’t have to do it with me, now does
Onto another topic. I’m
not sure if I mentioned this, but Jon’s been really weird about his phone. So Saturday I said to him, “What do you have
on there that you don’t want me to see?”
He, of course, said nothing was on there. But he gets this look in his eyes when he’s
lying to me. I knew he was lying. I told him so and he kept denying it. About 45 minutes later he texted me and told
me he’d been looking at porn and other type sites like that. I kind of knew, because the last time we went
through a dry spell this bad (still February 13th!) it was also
because of porn.
I told him he needed to decide what to do because in our
marriage there is only room for two. Me
and him, him and porn, or me and porn (which wouldn’t happen). I get so sick of this pattern. I asked him why he kept defaulting to this if
it didn’t work any of the other times and he said he didn’t know. I told him he needed to talk to our therapist
about it, because when I brought it up with her before, he denied it. Well, now I know it’s cause he didn’t want to
stop yet…. again. Is it any wonder I
have horrible self-esteem when it comes to him??
Today’s list items are:
I’ve already kind of touched on this
one. Emotional abuse, abandonment, and
alcoholism are the ones that affected my life.
The thing is, I know none of the “offenders” meant it as such… but
because of that, I almost feel like I have no one to blame, but myself. Which isn’t true either. I didn’t ask for it. In regards to my dad… it was just my lot in
life. I think I’ve been physically
abused a tad too. Nothing like other
people have been through, which is why I even hesitate to put it, but I’ve been
bitten, spanked, and my dad used to make my sister’s and I hit each other. I’ve had faux hitting too… my ex-alcoholic
used to punch stuff around me, but not me.
Jon has done it too, but only once around me.
I feel bad for any abuse victims out
there and really hope they find the courage to change their lives. And I know I have it pretty easy compared to
some. But compared to others, I have it
pretty rough too.
like victims.
I don’t know that I would classify my
feeling as “victim,” but I do feel used by others, which I’ve already talked
themselves they can't do anything right.

afraid of making mistakes.
I am, but I’m not. If
I set out to learn something, then I don’t mind. But if I should already know it, I beat
myself up pretty badly. This falls under
the category of not doing anything right.

My point is, that I’m glad I trained myself while I
could. I’ve ended up doing more by
myself after I was married than I ever did single. My cousin found out I was going to movies and
he wanted to go, so he and I started going weekly. Then he met his wife and dropped me like a
hot potato. But that’s okay, cause at
the time I’d just met Jon.
My co-workers found out I was going to lunch alone and they
started coming with me. I still have 1-2
days a week where I go by myself… and that is why I’m glad I trained myself to
be okay out in public alone. Just
because no one wants to be around me doesn’t mean I can’t still have fun. I’ve started bringing my headphones with me
to lunch and I watch Netflix when I’m alone.
It’s pretty fun. It’s a good way
to distract from the coldness moving over my heart and to keep the spiral at
bay. Someday I hope to trust people
again. I don’t know what it would take
though… a miracle?
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