I’m so glad it’s Friday! I can’t wait to sleep in tomorrow! I’m actually doing pretty good today, it’s
nice. :)
Here are today’s list items:
different from the rest of the world.
I always feel like I’m the only one that
feels this way. I feel like I’m a
wallflower, blending in, no one noticing that I need help. I drew this picture once of a door with a
high up barred window. Small building,
no windows, and high bushes/hedges growing around the front door. You could see my eyes through the darkness of
the room I was in. And buried in the
dirt, a key poking out. I think I titled
it, “Won’t anyone help me?” I guess I
still feel trapped like that.
I think I “romanticize” being the only
one so much that it comes as a surprise to me when other people admit to the
same feelings. That’s one thing that
really appeals to me about Al-Anon; everyone says things I would say. They feel things I’ve felt… I’m not alone in
my feelings! They’ve been through what I’ve
been through, many of them worse. I feel
less trapped when I’m there.
they're not quite good enough.

My mom says suicide is the ultimate form
of selfishness. I agree. But for some reason, when it comes to me, I
don’t think it applies. I think it’s
because I don’t think anyone would even notice.
They’d just go about their business and maybe in 12 years or so, someone
might say, “Hey, do you remember that one girl that was kind of funny? What ever happened to her?”
Now, don’t be fretting. I’m NOT suicidal. I’m relaying past feelings. :)
Oh yeah.
100%. To the extent that I’d
rather push my husband away than think that he’d reject me. He’s rejected me often enough that my silly “push
away armor” has appeared. He gets so
frustrated with me, which I can understand, but I can’t just stop. He has to accept me and not reject me, then I’ll
stop pushing. But, my pushing is me “rejecting”
him so he’s done the same thing and now neither one of us knows how to get back
to where we were. It’s so frustrating.
I think too that the fear of rejection
is why I keep people at arm’s length.
Even “friends.” I just don’t
really let anyone in. I was just telling
my friend the other day after Al-Anon, I feel bad because I don’t really say
anything in there. I don’t really say
anything at work either. I think that’s
why I feel like no one likes me. They
don’t ever ask me things. Or if they do,
it’s like my mom and I feel like their attention is forced and they don’t
really mean it.
Take things

My mom used to tell me, when I was in elementary school,
that I was just super sensitive. I
was. Because of conditioning from my
dad. If I messed up on something, I got
yelled at. Even when I was little and
burned both my hands on a space heater, I got yelled at for being stupid and
putting my hands on there. I was
three! I didn’t know what I was
doing! I barely even remember it! I really go overboard when it comes to my
dad, I guess. I get so mad at him, so
angry that he couldn’t just let me grow up and be nice to me… but what could I
say now? The one time I tried broaching
the topic with me, he said, “That was a long time ago and I did the best I know
how. I wipe my hands of anything that
was wrong.”
Gee, thanks dad. Sure
INSIDE OF ME!!! Someday, I just want him
to say, “I’m sorry, honey. I didn’t know
what I was doing, but I shouldn’t have done that.” Or just something along those lines. You know that saying, “Be careful what you
wish for, you just may get it,”? All I
want to know is: When?
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