It’s Thursday!!! Thursday is my favorite day. It’s the last day before Friday and the
weekend! I think it has something to do
with the fact that I was born on a Thursday, but don’t quote me on that.
:) So my night was pretty
uneventful. Gave myself a pedicure while
I watched Grown Ups 2 and when Jon
got home, I made us dinner. We finished
the movie and went in to bed. Ah, the grown
up life. :)
Here are today’s list items. Again, they are under the topic of Low Self-Worth.
angry, defensive, self-righteous, and indigent when others blame and criticize
the codependents -- something codependents regularly do to themselves.

Mostly I like her, but lately, actually
since I started therapy and started feeling better about myself, I really don’t
like to be around her. I don’t like to
tell her stuff, I don’t like to help her with things, I just am turned off by
the idea of friendship with her.
I guess it’s safe to say I fit this. ;)
compliments or praise
I don’t know that I actually reject
them, but I do know that I have a hard time accepting them. If someone likes my shirt, I say, “Thanks, I
got it at ____.” Or other things like
that. I thought I was doing just fine
and accepting this stuff, but my therapist pointed out that no one cares where
I got the shirt or pants or whatever.
Because of that realization, I have such a hard time now! I don’t know what to say! Thanks seems so underwhelming. Monday a co-worker admired my hair, I started
rambling about when I got it done, then thought “shoot! She doesn’t care!” so I hurried and tried to
finish it off with, “I like it too.”
Which makes me sound SO conceded!
I don’t know what to do differently though!
depressed from a lack of compliments and praise (stroke deprivation)
I get this at work.
If I’m not recognized, I feel like I’m doing a bad job, that I don’t
deserve anything, and get myself down. I
also convert this into attention and to me, attention = important. So if I was important to people and they
cared about me, they’d lavish the attention onto me and we’d all be happy. But that’s not how it works. I also rarely believe compliments or
praise. Jon has it the hardest, I
fear. He says I’m beautiful and I just…
I don’t believe him.

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