Warning: I’m going to
talk a little about sex… not graphically though. :)

I think it’s cause of Jon.
The most ironic thing about my life is this: Me, pretty much the most horny person I know,
married a man that couldn’t care less about sex or anything else remotely intimate. Why couldn’t I have found someone that was at
least compatible with me in THAT regard?
That would be too easy, that’s why.
Besides, if I didn’t have someone to help me feel this way, I may
actually get skinny and we all know that would ruin everything (I’m really into
sarcasm…). At least he could help me get
my kicks off in SOME way. Instead I just
get to suffer. I can’t even just find a
random online person. He gets too
jealous. I may as well be a statue. All I do for him is bring home money and give
him someone to talk to.
Somehow, in my simple pea brain, I’ve decided that sexual
desire is akin to mattering to someone. It’s
the ultimate form of mattering. Because
if someone wants me sexually, they think about me all the time, the want me all
of the time, they need me all of the time.
Sometimes I wonder if I’m not really horny or perverted, but I’ve
adapted those things in order to find a way to matter to someone.
Then there’s the matter of when I was a kid. I started gaining weight when I was 7-8. I think it’s cause my dad started working
days and I started being around him more.
With him, I can’t seem to do anything right. When I was younger, I tried. I tried hard.
But I was never good enough. He’d
tell me to shut up, then ask me why I was quiet. He’d tell me to go outside, then yell at me
for not coming in. I think he stressed
me out, made me nervous and anxious, so I ate.
I don’t eat because I love food.
I actually can’t stand a lot of it.
A few months ago, I realized I eat to take my mind off my anxiety. I just eat and eat and eat. Then when I’m done eating, I’m so full I hurt…
and that pain also distracts me from my anxiety.
But, it’s a double edged sword. When I finally get anxious enough to stuff my
fat face, when I’m done, I feel even worse about myself. So my own private binge can last for days,
until I manage to pull myself out. I had
a day like that on Sunday. Yesterday I
wanted to, but I held back. Today, I
want to again, but I think I’ll manage to hold back again. These last two days have gotten me thinking
though. Once I started gaining weight
when I was a kid, this is the message the people in my life sent to me. First, I have to note, I realize these people
were only worried about me and the impact weight gain could have on me, but
they all handled it horribly. Instead of
trying to find out what caused my weight gain, they all just judged me. My grandma told me once that if I came to
spend the summer with her, she’d get the weight off me. I think I was 9. My sister used to tell me that every Dorito I
ate I had to lose 1 pound. My mom used
to put exercises in my daily chore list.
Guess what all of this taught me?
I don’t matter unless I’m skinny.
But what if I lose all my weight? What if I lose all this weight and I end up still
not mattering? What if my flaw as a
human isn’t my size, but my actual being?
What if I actually am just worthless and being fat gave me some twisted
sense of worth?
There was once, when I was 10 or so, that my uncle came over
to our house to talk to my dad. He’d
brought my little cousin with him. She
could walk, so she must have been 18 months or so. Anyway, my uncle asked me to watch my cousin
so he and my dad could talk. I took her
outside and we were playing, but I couldn’t distract her long enough to stop
her from trying to constantly run to her daddy.
I managed to keep her with me until right before my dad and uncle were
done talking. She ran into the house, right
to her dad. I swooped in behind her, scooped
her up, and turned to leave. While
turning, my uncle stopped me while I was facing him. He said, “How am I supposed to talk to your
dad with your big fat body in my way?” I
was shocked! And hurt. I turned to my dad. He just looked at me. He met my eyes and I swear I saw a bit of a
smirk. When he said nothing, made no
move to defend me… I turned back to my uncle, muttered my apologies, took my
cousin back outside, sat under the tree and cried silently while I played with
the baby.
It crushed me to realize my dad agreed with my uncle and his
words. As a result, I’ve always been
guarded around this uncle. He was
probably 20-25 when he said that… definitely old enough to know better. How would he feel if someone had said that
about his daughter? Maybe he’d be like
my dad and agree that he had the most horrible, ugly, fat, and worthless
daughter in the world.
I know this is something I need to bring up to my dad. I want to know why he never told my uncle to
shut up… probably he doesn’t remember it.
Plus, the last time I actually got the courage to bring something up to
my dad (because I can’t defy him in any way, I must always obey), he just wiped
his hands in the air and said, “I wipe my hands of it. I did the best I could with what I knew.” I wish he could just say he’s sorry for not
doing a better job.
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