Here's a funny to start things off...
Now, onto business. :) I forgot to mention that the past posts where
I’ve been talking about “the list” all topics I’ve covered have been under the
category of: Care Giving. I don’t have much to add from the rest of my
day yesterday, but I do want to put that my husband has started noticing that I’m
not the same I was two months ago. I
think I’ve been taking a slow ride back down my spiral. Our therapist is hoping to be able to see us
again in June… I can’t wait. I feel like
my old self and I hate it. Onto the
other people make the codependents feel the way they do.
I don’t SAY that other people make me
feel the way I do, but I know I depend on someone else’s opinion of myself
before I can define my own opinion. I
also read really deep between the lines and come up with really stupid
stuff. I KNOW it’s stupid and not true,
but I feel like it’s the truth because it seems logical and then I internalize
the pain. For an example, let’s talk
about my birthday dinner for a moment. I
KNOW people just got busy and they didn’t mean to forget about my birthday. I KNOW they all love me still and would feel
horrible about missing it if I pointed it out.
But I FEEL like they all hate me, that they never really liked me, that they
only ever come to stuff that isn’t directly related to me, and that I’m
worthless and unimportant to them… that they wouldn’t even miss me if I was
gone from the Earth.
Right? :) How’d I get from a missed birthday dinner to
they’d never know if I left this life.
Welcome to my personal spiral. Everything takes this path. Someone didn’t invite me to lunch, no one
wants to go to the movies with me, Jon plays video games… It’s so annoying.
By the same token though, if I think
someone is taking the effort to make me special to them, I’m over-the-moon
happy. I feel secure, loved, wanted,
needed, worth something, important, and beautiful. I wish I could just feel this way all the
time, whether others felt it or not.
angry, victimized, unappreciated, and used.
See above topic. ;) Honestly, I
don’t really feel angry or victimized. I
100% feel unappreciated and used. I hate
when people take advantage of my giving nature.
other people become impatient or angry with them for all of the preceding

This topic covers ALL the topics within
Care Giving. And I think out
of everyone in my life, I cater to my dad and my mom and sisters get impatient
or angry with me for doing so. I know my
sisters hate my peace-keeper mentality and my older sister especially gets so
mad at me. I went to visit her
once. We ended up getting into a fight
over lunch. Because she wanted one
thing, my mom another, so I was trying to keep the peace.

Well, I got the anger. By the time we got to the zoo, she was
flinging every swear word at me, I was silently crying behind my sunglasses,
and we all had a horrible time. At that
time I was attempting to be friends with my sister. As it turns out, that was my last
attempt. I finally washed my hands of
everything. For a while I even denied
that I had sisters. Now, I won’t seek
them out, but if they want to talk to me, I’ll answer and converse. I’m done being open to that hurt.
I think my mom gets mad because I won’t confront my
dad. I just let him have all this
control, then I complain to her about it.
Lately she’s been making me confront him. It’s not as bad as I make it in my head, but
I still hate it and don’t want to do it.
Someday, I will be whole.
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